Creating AutoNumber for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 using Plug-Ins with the help of FilteredView

Create two field as we created..

1) New_uniqueid ( Int)

2) New_id( nvarchar).

If you want AutoNumber as Int , no need to create two fields ,but we wanted AutoNumber as in specific format(OP/DEC08/0000000001) so we reqired to two field.

Steps for AutoNumber:

1) Retrieved the maximum number for entity based on field new_uniqueid.

2) Update both field new_uniqueid and new_id using web service on PostCreate event.

Source Code

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

using System.Xml;

using System.Xml.Serialization;

using System.IO;

using System.Collections;

using Microsoft.Crm.Sdk;

using System.Data;

using System.Data.SqlClient;

using System.Web.Services.Protocols;

namespace CRM.PlugIn.UniqueIdGeneration


public class PlugInForUniqueId : IPlugin


string serverName = string.Empty;

string domain = string.Empty;

string authUser = string.Empty;

int leftPad;

string uniqueNoField=string.Empty;

string uniqueIdField=string.Empty;

static string logPath = string.Empty;

// get configuration string

public PlugInForUniqueId(string unsecure, string secureConfiguration)


XmlDataDocument doc = new XmlDataDocument();


// get database server name

XmlNode database = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//Database”);

serverName= database.InnerText;

// get domain name

XmlNode domainName = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//Domain”);

domain = domainName.InnerText;

// CRM User as Authentication User

XmlNode authUserName = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//AuthUser”);

authUser = authUserName.InnerText;

// get total no of digit for padding

XmlNode padding = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//Padding”);

leftPad=Convert.ToInt32( padding.InnerText);

// get FieldName and type of datatype should be Integer

XmlNode uniqueNo = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//UniqueNumber”);

uniqueNoField= uniqueNo.InnerText;

// get FieldName and type of datatype should be nvarchar

XmlNode Id = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//Id”);

uniqueIdField= Id.InnerText;

// get path of log file.

XmlNode Log = doc.SelectSingleNode(“//LogPath”);

logPath = Log.InnerText;


public void Execute(IPluginExecutionContext context)


// Create instance of Crm WenService

ICrmService Service = context.CreateCrmService(true);

string entityName = context.PrimaryEntityName;

string orgName = context.OrganizationName;

// Avialable max. number in database.

int maxUniqueNo = ReturnMaxNumber(serverName, entityName, orgName);

CrmNumber num = new CrmNumber();

num.Value = maxUniqueNo;

// Formatted Unique Id With entityname,month,year and unique No.

string formattedId = FormattedUniqueNumber(num.Value, context.PrimaryEntityName);



// DynamicEntity dyEntity = ReturnDynamicEntityToUpate(context, num);

if (context.InputParameters.Properties.Contains(“Target”))


DynamicEntity entity = (DynamicEntity)context.InputParameters.Properties[“Target”];

if (entity != null)


string entityId = context.PrimaryEntityName + “id”;

Guid id = (Guid)context.OutputParameters[ParameterName.Id];

DynamicEntity updateUniqueId = new DynamicEntity(context.PrimaryEntityName);

Key key = new Key(id);

KeyProperty keyProp = new KeyProperty(entityId, key);


CrmNumberProperty propUniqueId = new CrmNumberProperty(uniqueNoField, num);


StringProperty propFormattedId = new StringProperty(uniqueIdField, formattedId);






catch (SoapException SoapEx)


WriteLog(entityName, “On Create”,“ERROR”,SoapEx);


catch (Exception ex)


WriteLog(entityName, “On Create”, “ERROR”, ex.Message);



private int ReturnMaxNumber(string server, string entity, string orgName)


int maxNum = 0;

string dataSource = server;

string tableView = “Filtered” + entity;

string organizatioName = orgName ;

string databaseName = organizatioName + “_MSCRM”;

string sqlQuery = @” SETUSER ‘”+domain +“\\”+ authUser + “‘ select max(new_uniqueid) from “ + tableView ;

WriteLog(entity , “On Create”, “INFO”, “DatabaseServer :” + dataSource);

WriteLog(entity, “On Create”, “INFO”, “Sql Query :” + sqlQuery);



SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(“Data Source=” + dataSource + “;Initial Catalog=” + databaseName + “;Integrated Security=SSPI; Pooling=false”);

SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(sqlQuery, connection);


if (cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString() != “”)


maxNum = Convert.ToInt32(cmd.ExecuteScalar());




if (maxNum > 0)






maxNum = 1;



catch (SqlException sqlex)


WriteLog(entity, “On Create”, “ERROR”, sqlex);

maxNum =0;


return maxNum;


private string FormattedUniqueNumber(int num, string entity)


string finalUniqueNo=string.Empty;



DateTime currentDate = DateTime.Now;

string getMonth = currentDate.ToString(“MMM”).ToUpper();

string getYear = currentDate.Year.ToString().Substring(2, 2);

string numWithPad = num.ToString().PadLeft(leftPad, ‘0’);

string entiyName = entity.Substring(0, 2).ToUpper();

finalUniqueNo = entiyName + “/” + getMonth + getYear + “/” + numWithPad;

WriteLog(entity, “On Create”, “INFO”, “Unique ID=” + finalUniqueNo);

return finalUniqueNo;


catch (Exception ex)


WriteLog(entity, “On Create”, “ERROR”, ex.Message);

return finalUniqueNo;



private static void WriteLog(string Entity, string EventName, string MessageType, SoapException ex)




string lstrMessage;

TextWriter log = TextWriter.Synchronized(File.AppendText(logPath));

lstrMessage = Entity + ” | “ + EventName + ” | “ + MessageType + ” | “ + System.DateTime.Now.ToString () + ” | “ + ex.Detail.InnerXml;




catch (Exception ex1)


throw ex1;



private static void WriteLog(string Entity, string EventName, string MessageType, string Message)




string lstrMessage;

TextWriter log = TextWriter.Synchronized(File.AppendText(logPath));

lstrMessage = Entity + ” | “ + EventName + ” | “ + MessageType + ” | “ + System.DateTime.Now.ToString () + ” | “ + Message ;

log.WriteLine(lstrMessage );



catch (Exception ex)


throw ex;



private static void WriteLog(string Entity, string EventName, string MessageType, SqlException Message)




string lstrMessage;

TextWriter log = TextWriter.Synchronized(File.AppendText(logPath));

lstrMessage = Entity + ” | “ + EventName + ” | “ + MessageType + ” | “ + System.DateTime.Now.ToString() + ” | “ + Message ;




catch (Exception ex)


throw ex;





Now Register the Plug-In for any entity on PostCreate event.It will give the AutoNuber in this format(OP/DEC08/0000000001) I.e (first two character of Entity name/three character of current month+ two digit of current year/number with padding(10 digit but customizable))

Don’t forget to pass configuration string when registering Plug-In in Secure Configuration Field in this format

<Config><Database>Machine Name of Database</Database><Domain>Domain Name</Domain><AuthUser>Authenticated User of CRM on behalf of that query will be executed</AuthUser><Padding>number of character for padding </Padding><UniqueNumber>new_uniqueid</UniqueNumber><Id>new_id</Id><LogPath> Log path as D:\CRM\Logs\CrmLog.txt</LogPath></Config>

Author: Arvind Singh

Solution Architect with 17+ years of exp. In Dynamics CRM, Power Platform, Azure which includes Solution, Design, Development, Deployment, Maintenance and support experience.

5 thoughts on “Creating AutoNumber for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 using Plug-Ins with the help of FilteredView”

  1. Thanks for the code! 🙂 It was prececely what I was looking for.

    I’m having some trouble getting the ExecuteScalar() to give me a value other than {} or an empty string once converte, but I’ll get there…

    Think my connectionstring is posing some problems. The servername contains a backslash like this:


    and the connectionstring interprets this as

    “DB05\\Dynamics” with a double backslash.

    I think this is why the query does not return the latest and greatest maxnumber from my database. If I run the query directly on the database, the value it returns is correct. If I run the query through the ExecuteScalar() : nothing.

    Any hints as to how I can solve this?

    Still: thanks for the code! 🙂

    Thanks and regards
    Janne Cathrine


    1. Hi,

      Try to execute the query using as….

      EXECUTE AS ‘DomainName\SqlUser1’

      where SqlUser1 is Admin user so that it would have access to all records to return max. no.

      Hope it will solve ur issue.



  2. Thanks for the great posting. There is an issue with your hard-coding the new_uniquenum into your SQL call; but easily found and fixed. You saved me from having to start from scratch on a lot of code. Thanks again!


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